Nominations are now open for the 2023 Mayor of Guildford’s Award for Service to the Community.
The council asks: “Do you know a person or group that has made a significant difference to our borough?”
The Mayor of Guildford, Dennis Booth
The Mayor of Guildford, Dennis Booth, said: “Nominations can be for an individual or an organisation who have done exceptional work in their community to improve the lives of others or foster good relationships.
“These awards provide a real opportunity for those who have gone the extra mile. The people who win the awards are so important in inspiring others to encourage positive community work in our borough.
“I would also like say thank you to the County Club for kindly sponsoring these awards.”
To submit a nomination, you can submit it through the mayor’s pages on Guildford Borough Council’s website, send an email to CivicSecretary@
Completed paper forms should be sent to: The Mayor’s Office, Guildford Borough Council, Millmead House, Millmead, Guildford, GU2 4BB.
Successful nominees will be invited to attend an awards event on Saturday, April 29.
The council adds that nominations are accepted in good faith but please provide a supporting letter. An individual or organisation cannot win an award more than once, so please do not nominate a previous winner. Details of the nominator will be shared with the recipient upon request.
The deadline for nominations is Friday, February 3.
This website is published by The Guildford Dragon NEWS
Contact: Martin Giles
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