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North Street Development: Work Starts in the Town Centre

Published on: 6 Oct, 2024
Updated on: 6 Oct, 2024

By Hugh Coakley

Work preparing for the North Street regeneration in Guildford town centre has started on site for the long-debated and controversial 477 new homes and ground level shops development. A digger has been spotted on the derelict site, surrounded by a hoarding.

Traffic diversion for the permanent closure of Woodbridge Road.

The initial works will include the permanent closure of part of Woodbridge Road, while archaeology surveys and utility work is carried out. Diversions along North Street and Leapale Road will be put in place.

This work will later be followed by the demolition of the old post office and other buildings fronting North Street and Woodbridge Road to make way for the new town square in the wider North Street project.

St Edward, the developer, has said the permanent road closure is expected to happen at the start of November.

Model of the North Street development before minor changes were made to plans.

Road restrictions at Millbrook to allow demolition of the Debenhams building is also due to commence in December/January. This may coincide with the changes in North Street, potentially  adding to the effect on town centre traffic flow.

St Edward has said that updates will be posted on GBC’s and Surrey County Council’s websites. People can email to to sign up to the project mailing list.

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