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Notice: Alphabet Sketches For Guildford-based Wildlife Charity

Published on: 17 Sep, 2020
Updated on: 17 Sep, 2020

Amur tiger, buffalo, chimpanzee… David Shepherd Wildlife Foundation (DSWF) is delighted to announce that Wildlife Artist of the Year 2020, Andrew Pledge, is sketching animals in alphabetical order in aid of endangered wildlife.

Amur Tiger by Andrew Pledge, the first of the alphabet sketches for the David Shepherd Wildlife Foundation.

Andrew said: “As beneficial as practising my sketching will be for my development as an artist, rather than them just sitting in my sketch pad, I am hoping that DSWF can make use of them to continue their ever-important work in wildlife conservation.”

Each week Andrew will create two new A3-size sketches inspired by an animal beginning with the next letter of the alphabet.

Buffalo by Andrew Pledge.

These intricate artworks will be made available for £100 in DSWF online shop, with 100% of the proceeds, after postage and packaging, going towards the Guildford-based DSWF’s vital conservation work protecting endangered species across Africa and Asia.

His detailed sketches will be routinely added to the shop every Thursday and Monday and promoted by the DSWF Facebook and Instagram accounts.

“I chose to sketch my way through the alphabet primarily to force myself to work on species that I might not normally have taken on. It’s so easy to just use the subjects you are comfortable with,” said Andrew.

Chimpanzee by Andrew Pledge.

Andrew tends to focus on unusual bird life, such as cormorants and ground-hornbills, and where others see imperfections, he sees splendour and intricacy.

In May 2020, he was crowned Wildlife Artist of the Year 2020 for his astonishingly detailed artwork, Wood Stork created from oils and gold leaf. Andrew won the prestigious competition having only recently decided to become a full-time artist. He was previously an architectural model maker.

The sketches are said to be “very collectable” and go to a good Shalford-based cause as wildlife charities are suffering at the moment.

Wood Stork by Andrew Pledge, Wildlife Artist of the Year 2020.

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