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Notice: Free Event to Encourage Firms to Employ Autistic People

Published on: 9 Sep, 2023
Updated on: 9 Sep, 2023

Surrey Chambers of Commerce is hosting a free event focusing on encouraging businesses to employ autistic people.

Titled Accessing Untapped Talent, it takes place on Wednesday, September 13, 8am to 10am, at The Guildford Harbour Hotel.

Surrey Chambers of Commerce reports, in Surrey there are around 12,000 autistic people, many of whom would love to be working but they find the application process a real barrier.

Once they secure a job, they become key employees and contribute a great deal to the business.

In addition, there is a great deal of support available to help employers to understand the kind of adjustments they may need to make.

This event will demonstrate some brilliant examples of employers and employees making adjustments for the benefit of both.

At the event there will be the chance to meet people who are working with autistic and other neurodivergent people to help them find a suitable job.

Meet people who are delivering amazing results for their employer, in spite of earlier challenges in finding a role.

Find out about advice and guidance, which is available for your organisation to build your confidence and enable you to more easily cast your net across a broader pool of talent

Also, despite the size of the neurodiverse community (one in five) only 10% of employers consider neurodiversity in their workplaces and 86% of managers feel unequipped to support someone with neurodiverse needs.

It has been noted that 52% of the neurodiverse community feel they have experienced discrimination during the recruitment process and that overall the neurodiverse community experiences lower than benchmark employment rates with data suggesting that just 29% of autistic adults are working either full or part time despite desperately wanting to be welcomed to the workforce.

For further details and to book for the event, click here.

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