Fringe Box



Notice: Guildford High Street Chess Spectacular

Published on: 9 Sep, 2021
Updated on: 9 Sep, 2021

Guildford Chess Club is celebrating its 125th Anniversary by running a large public event in Guildford High Street on Saturday September 11, from 10.30am – 4.30pm.

Seven of England’s highest rated and most talented chess players are accepting challenges from more than 375 adults and children by taking them on simultaneously in the open air. 125 chess boards will be laid out for three sessions throughout the day.

Guildford Chess Club is celebrating its 125th Anniversary.

The England players include Grandmaster Gawain Jones, twice British Champion and European Online Blitz Champion and Surrey resident Grandmaster Nick Pert, former World Under 18 Champion.

Other Masters will include the former British Women’s and British Senior over-50s, British under-21 and British under-18 Champions, former Guinness world record holder for playing the most games simultaneously and four of England’s very best young players, three of whom attended Guildford schools.

All of the Masters have played for Guildford Chess Club, which was founded in 1896 and has continuously met on Monday evenings at the Guildford Institute in Ward Street.

The club welcomes all standards, from beginners to Grandmasters and has a thriving junior section. The club works with local schools to encourage their pupils to take up chess.

See for more details.

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