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Notice: A Morning Of Wildlife Gardening Talks

Published on: 18 Mar, 2017
Updated on: 9 Mar, 2017

From 9.30am to 1pm on Saturday, April 1, Surrey Wildlife Trust is holding a morning of talks specifically related to the benefits of encouraging wildlife into your garden, and the best techniques to do so.

Speakers at the event, which will take place at the Trinity Centre, next to Holy Trinity Church in Guildford High Street, will represent Surrey Wildlife Trust, Surrey Butterfly Group, Surrey Bat Group and Surrey Amphibian and Reptile Group. There will also be a hedgehog expert on-hand.

Topics will include wildlife gardening tips, how to attract hedgehogs, bat friendly gardening and pond life.

There will also be a free photographic exhibition by European Wildlife Photographer of the Year winner, Richard Peters.

Booking is essential. Tickets cost £12 for members and £15 for non-members. For more information and to book, visit

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