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Notice: Pint Of Science Is Back – From Blackholes To Hidden Information In Fingerprints

Published on: 5 Apr, 2022
Updated on: 5 Apr, 2022

Celebrating its 10th anniversary, Pint of Science returns to Guildford from Monday to Wednesday, May 9 to 11.

With a huge range of the latest research, this worldwide science festival brings researchers to two new venues in the town centre, Pews Bar and Zero Carbon Guildford, to share their scientific discoveries.

Twenty-two University of Surrey researchers will explain their research over a pint (or other beverage).

The organisers say: “We’re covering all the bases with this year’s talks ranging from artificial intelligence to sustainability.

“We’ll be answering important scientific questions such as ‘An Act of Dog: what’s lurking in your salad?’ and ‘The human brain and AI – What makes them so different?’

“Join in the fun and hopefully learn something new along the way!”

For more information and to book tickets visit

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