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Notice: Ride & Stride for Surrey’s Historic Churches

Published on: 3 Sep, 2023
Updated on: 2 Sep, 2023

Ride your bike or walk to raise funds for Surrey’s churches

RIDE & STRIDE on Saturday, September 9, 2023

Start preparing now to take part in the Surrey RIDE & STRIDE for churches event on Saturday 9 September 2023 run by the Surrey Churches Preservation Trust!

Have a great day out cycling or walking (or in any other way), discover Surrey’s heritage and make a real difference. Take as little or as much time as you have available on the day to follow your chosen route that visits churches across the county.

Routes and maps can be found here:

Or, if you prefer, feel very welcome to arrange a sponsored coffee morning, tea party or the like for the same cause.

The Surrey Churches Preservation Trust is a charity run 100 per cent by volunteers and uses all money raised from Ride & Stride to help repair and conserve Surrey’s Christian churches: half of the money you raise goes to your chosen church and the rest is distributed to other places of worship across Surrey via conservation grants. Over £500,000 has been raised since the charity started life.

We are also looking for volunteers and potential trustees to join the Trust, so please feel welcome to get in touch.

Enjoy yourself and thank you!

Richard Morris
Trustee, Surrey Churches Preservation Trust

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