Fringe Box



Notice: Have Your Say On Making Guildford Accessible For The Future

Published on: 30 Jun, 2017
Updated on: 30 Jun, 2017

The Guildford Society is giving everyone the opportunity to have their say about making Guildford accessible for the future.

From 10am to 4pm  on Saturday, July 15, there will be a drop-in session at the Guildhall in the High Street, when experts will be available to chat about the options under consideration.

Tell them what you think of buses and the bus station and what needs to happen to make it more convenient to travel into and move around the town.

Can people be relied upon to get out of their cars and onto public transport, or to cycle or walk?

Everyone is welcome.

For more information, email

Supported by Arriva, Compass, Stagecoach and Safeguard.


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