Sandra Morgan
Worplesdon Parish Council has announced, with sadness, the death of Freeman Mrs Sandra Morgan MBE JP.
Sandra was the longest-serving member of the parish council, having served continuously from 1968 until her retirement in 2021. Sandra served as chairman of the council for three years. During her term of office, amongst other things, Sandra saved a number of historic houses, situated within the parish, from destruction.
She represented the parish council on five school governing bodies, including a period of 14 years as chairman of Barnwood School.
Whenever travelling around the parish Sandra always observed the area, ensuring work had been completed, and looking out for areas requiring maintenance, and reporting numerous issues to Surrey County Council and Guildford Borough Council.
As a trustee of the Worplesdon Memorial Hall, Sandra was active in providing tennis courts for young people to learn tennis. She also represented the parish council at the Fairwood Helpers for many years.
President of the former Wood Street Gleaners – she oversaw the local community initiative, which local residents paid into and then, in times of need, reaped the benefits.
Along with a friend, Sandra founded the Fairlands Women’s Institute and was also the president for a period of five years. She was active in a proposal which was later adopted by the Surrey WI and, with the support of her late husband, Eric, spoke on the resolution at the WI National Meeting at the Royal Albert Hall. The WI group continued for a period of 50 years.
For over 50 years, Sandra was a poppy collector, and for 15 of those years, together with her late husband, Eric, was also the poppy appeal co-ordinator for the area.
Sandra had been an active volunteer on the FLGCA Committee for 30 years, including three years as chairman, and was also the vice-president. She served on a number of sub-committees and served as chairman of the Environmental Committee for more than 20 years.
Additionally, Sandra was secretary of the Fairlands Youth Club, having encouraged the re-starting of a youth club in Fairlands.
Concerned there should be accessible activities on Fairlands Estate for young people, Sandra encouraged the formation of a Brownie Pack on Fairlands in 1972 and organised and participated in the Christmas children’s parties.
In 2004, Sandra was on the organising committee which re-established the Fairlands Summer Fete. For a number of years Sandra also organised Holiday Fund classes on the estate to provide local activities for the estate children.
Sandra was a diligent magistrate at Guildford Court for 26 years until 2002. During that time, she was on the Fine Court; Domestic Court; Licensing; and the Crown Court. Sandra lectured to groups about her experience as a Magistrate and attended a Royal Garden Party for her service as a magistrate. For ten years, she lectured at George Abbott School, Guildford, as part of their citizenship course.
Music had always been an important aspect of Sandra’s life. The family formed the Morgan Minstrels, which entertained at old people’s parties and the Fairlands carol concerts. She trained a group of Brownies to participate in a music festival.
In later years, she formed a duet with her late husband Eric, and together they performed at local residential Homes donating the proceeds to Wood Street Infant School. She also enjoyed the challenge of teaching children the piano and taught all her children to play the piano before they took up other instruments.
Sandra spent many years protecting the green belt, and the environment generally, for the benefit of future generations, in a broad-based way.
Highly respected throughout the community, Sandra was one of the most self-effacing people you could meet.
In 2021, Sandra became the first recipient of the Freedom of the Parish of Worplesdon in recognition of her outstanding contribution to the community over many years.
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