Members of Guildford u3a (University of the Third Age) volunteered and took to the streets this Volunteers’ Week to promote their group and its educational activities.
Guildford u3a’s stand at the Guildford Farmers’ Market on Tuesday, June 1.
They were also among other u3a organisations across the UK to celebrate the first national u3a day on Wednesday, June 2.
Guildford u3a had a stand at the Guildford Farmers’ Market on Tuesday, June 1, which marked a key milestone for them, it being the first time it had attended since the pandemic began.
Volunteers dressed in u3a yellow and blue, exhibiting their interest and activity groups and talking to shoppers as they sauntered by.
Members of Guildford u3a’s walking groups in the High Street on Tuesday, June 1.
Its walking groups did circuits down North Street and up High Street in groups of six at regular intervals.
Having a party in Stoke Park on Wednesday, June 2.
On Wednesday, June 2, they were in Stoke Park enjoy one another’s company again and painting pebbles.
Former founder Margot Clegg and Katie Butcher, a late group leader, were remembered as painted pebbles were placed around their commemorative benches to ensure they too were included in the u3a day celebrations.
Promoting the University of Third Age at Sainsbury’s in Burpham.
Members were also at Sainsbury’s, Tesco and Waitrose stores promoting the organisation.
The objectives of the u3a are to advance the education of the public and in particular the education of older people no longer in full time gainful employment in Guildford and its surrounding locality.
Volunteers’ Week -June 1 to 7.
This website is published by The Guildford Dragon NEWS
Contact: Martin Giles
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Moira MacQuaide
June 5, 2021 at 7:16 pm
We had a lovely two days at the Farmers’ Market and in Stoke Park – the weather couldn’t have been better.
Lots of people came to ask about our activities on Tuesday and I keep noticing u3a painted stones in various places since Wednesday.
u3a is an organisation run by volunteers and it was great to be part of Volunteers’ Week.
Our groups are run by members and we share knowledge, develop skills, and have a lot of fun in the process.
Lisa Wright
June 6, 2021 at 9:56 pm
My in-laws belong to their local U3A group in Essex.
They have all sorts of activities from wine tasting trips to Scrabble and is well worth looking into for anyone with time on their hands.