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Letter: Doesn’t Government Announcement Mean Development Should Be Curbed?

From: Jules Cranwell So the government has announced that it will put protection of the environment and wildlife at the heart of all policy making. Surely this will sound the…

Ockhamite Diary: And It’s Goodbye from Ockham, for Now at Least

A sidelong glance at the world from Tony Edwards… Did I hear that correctly? My headmaster once told me that I needed to enunciate more as my words were sometimes…

Opinion: 20 Reasons Not to Build on Green Fields

By David Roberts What’s the difference between a field and a piece of derelict urban land? Not much from a developer’s point of view – except that the field is…

Letter: Will the Junction 10 Change Benefits Outweigh the Costs?

From: Clare McCann I live just south of Junction 10 on the M25 by Wisley. The Highways Agency are remodelling the junction which I understand will take until 2025. Originally…

Ockhamite Diary: Stick This eMoji Somewhere!

A sidelong glance at the world from Tony Edwards… Sending all the wrong signals Let’s get one thing straight – I don’t play ‘air guitar’. Never have. It’s always seemed…

Letter: Lib Dems and Tories Need to Plan on Planning Policies

From: David Roberts In response to: Lib Dem Claims of Working with North Street Developers Shows a Divided Party, Says R4GV The Lib Dems’ obvious defence against charges of hypocrisy…

Comment: The Battle of Eyre’s Tooth

By Martin Giles You might have heard of the War of Jenkins’ Ear.  Well we can now add to that the “Battle of Eyre’s Tooth”. The future of Guildford’s townscape…

A3 Tunnel in Guildford ‘Necessary’ for New Homes, Says Guildford’s MP

By Emily Coady-Stemp local democracy reporter Guildford’s MP says “thousands and thousands” of new homes in the area will add to the need to tunnel the A3. Angela Richardson also…

Letter: The Practice of “Block” Comments is Open to Abuse

From: Jenny Grove See: Why Has the Council Not Ensured Everyone Was Aware of This Controversial Plan? I refer to recent comments on The Guildford Dragon NEWS about “block” or…

Letter: Housing Numbers in the Tory Local Plan Are Too High, Who Disagrees?

From: David Roberts In response to: We Need the Wisley Housing Development This is partially answered in the comments on the letter referred to. Guildford is not an island and…