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Letter: I Agree With John Rigg

From: Howard Smith Labour borough councillor for Westborough In response to: North Street Approval is Good News for Guildford I agree with John Rigg that this is great news for…

Letter: Graham Hibbert is Right, There is No Time to Lose in Reviewing the Local Plan

From: Ramsey Nagaty former GGG borough councillor and group leader In response to: The Moral is… Keep the Local Plan Updated As Graham Hibbert states the Local Plan should be…

Opinion: The Death of Department Stores

Joseph Bickle is a young adult born and raised in Guildford, currently studying media and communications at Cardiff University. This summer he began writing occasional stories for The Guildford Dragon…

Comment: Guildford Will Get Higher – Sadly, There’s No Turning Back

By Martin Giles This is an updated version of an article published on August 14 See: Guildford North Street Plans With 471 New Homes Approved 13 Votes to 2 Anyone…

Letter: To Argue That Any Answer Is Better Than None Is Dangerous

From: Ben Paton In response to: London Road Scheme Is Not Perfect But Better Than No Scheme At All This argument, that something or some plan is better than nothing…

Photo Feature: Stunning Images of Guildford Town

Here is a selection of super photographs featuring Guildford town, recently taken by Nicholas W – photographer from Stockholm. We hope you enjoy looking at them……

Letter: In Practice the Lib Dems Have Not Protected the Green Belt

From: Ben Paton In response to: Lib Dems’ General Election Chances Depend on Their Wisley Stance The Guildford Local Plan was well over 15 years in the making. Throughout that…

Letter: These Actions Reinforce the View That Everything is Controlled By Central Government

From: Mark Stamp In response to: Michael Gove Intervenes on Spelthorne Local Plan It’s amazing that Michael Gove’s department seems intent on interfering with individual decisions of councils but not…

Letter: Wisley Plan – the Whole Thing Is Preposterous

From: David Roberts In response to: Developer Continues to Insist Its Ill-conceived Proposals Carry Local Support I have just commented on the silliest planning application (22/P/01175) that I have ever…

Letter: The Decision on Floral Displays Is Just the Tip of the Iceberg

From: James Walsh Labour borough councillor for Bellfields & Slyfield In response to: Guildford’s Floral Displays Might Have to Be Cut to Save Money We all accept that the council,…