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Extinction Rebellion Targets Barclays Bank Again in Protest Against Fossil Fuel Funding

By Hugh Coakley and Martin Giles Members of Extinction Rebellion (XR) dressed as Suffragettes chained themselves together inside the Barclays bank branch in North Street yesterday (Januray 30) in a…

Caption Competition: What Happened Here?

What has happened at this North Street post box? Were the boots to be posted before the sender realised they had not wrapped them or ensured they could fit through…

Letter: The Dragon and Other Local Media Should Be Supported

From: Graham Hibbert Former chair of Guildford Residents Association In response to: MPs’ Report Highlights the Guildford Dragon’s Fight for Survival The Guildford Dragon NEWS has very much filled a…

Opinion: 20 Reasons Not to Build on Green Fields

By David Roberts What’s the difference between a field and a piece of derelict urban land? Not much from a developer’s point of view – except that the field is…

Letter: Guildford Tories Should Be Ashamed to Make This Claim on Building Height

From: David Ogilvie See more articles on North Street here. I have recently received a flyer from the Guildford Conservatives saying that they will “stop plans for high rise in…

Letter: Too Late to Cry Over Spilt Milk

From: Julian Lyon In response to: The Planning Committee’s Decision on the North Street Plan Was Correct Mr Mills is wrong. The fault lies in failing to put the teeth…

Letter: Whose Fault Is It That There is No Height Limit?

From: Ben Paton In response to: It Is Worth Waiting to Get North Street Right John Harrison’s letter presents the position fairly. No one denies that North Street should be…

Town Centre Update: ‘Footfall Down But Spending Up’ as More Shops Open Than Close

By Hugh Coakley Guildford’s town centre looks buoyant. You wouldn’t tell by looking that we have narrowly avoided a national recession and households are said to be cutting back on…

Letter: Guildford Must Take Control of Its Future

From Gavin Morgan founder of the Guildford Heritage Forum In response to: Without the Excessive Height the North Street Scheme Had Real Merit The town is spending millions on a…

Letter: Lib Dem Councillor Needs to Be Better Informed

From: Joss Bigmore Leader of R4GV and deputy leader of GBC In response to comment made on: Refusing Lib Dem Should Have Spoken to Her Executive Colleagues I hope Cllr…