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Updated February 2022: Piecing Together The Story of Shalford Engineering Firm Nelco

By David Rose The story of Nelco is on-going on The Dragon. New details and memories are posted at the foot of this page. There are some vintage photos added…

Where Do You Think They Lived? Another Look At The 1921 Census

By David Rose Looking up your family history on the newly released 1921 census can be very rewarding, but the search process can be somewhat frustrating if you can’t locate…

9 Difficult Challenges Facing Surrey County Council in 2022

By Julie Armstrong local democracy reporter The immense vaccination programme has brought some much-needed hope, but two years on from coronavirus we are still not free of it, or its…

Birdwatcher’s Diary No.247

By Malcolm Fincham Having surpassed my yearly ambition of seeing 200 species of birds on my UK travels in 2021, despite not taking up my annual invite to visit the…

Letter: What Happened to the Peace and Quiet?

From: Colin Shearn Farnborough Noise Group A lot of people around Guildford have been noticing the increased noise of planes during the past year. “What’s changed?” they may ask. Two…

Woking to Build Tallest Tower Yet as Government Inspector Overrules Councillors

By Julie Armstrong local democracy reporter A government planning inspector has said Woking town centre is “suitable” for tall buildings and overturned a planning committee’s refusal of five tower blocks.…

Letter: We Have Objected to ‘St Mary’s Wharf’ Development Proposal

From: John Harrison Member of the GRA Coordination Group See related articles here. Guildford Residents Association (GRA) has submitted its formal objection to the Debenham’s or “St Mary’s Wharf” redevelopment.…

Letter: Let’s Use Our Wealth of Brainpower to Fix Our Transport Problem

From: Julian Lyon In response to: Guildford Will Never Achieve ‘Modal Shift’ As a reluctant disciple, I understand a lot of what David Roberts has said. His last sentence is…

Opinion: Viability Studies – Great for Politicians and Developers, Disastrous for the Community

Why are developers continually building things they say are not financially viable? Why has the amount of affordable housing provided by developers diminished so dramatically even in the prosperous South…

Butchers from Bernard’s Outings in the 1930s

By David Rose Here are three superb photos from the 1930s of people on staff outings from Bernard’s, a once well known butchers in Guildford. Reader Malcolm Wenn has kindly…