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Armed Forces Day – Mayor Says ‘Our Chance to Show Appreciation’

Armed Forces Day will be celebrated in Guildford today (June 27). The Mayor of Guildford, Cllr Nikki Nelson-Smith said this morning: “We have a wonderful day planned to lead the national…

Duke Of York To Attend Armed Forces Day Event In Guildford On Saturday, June 27

With just over a week to go until Armed Forces Day, it has been confirmed that the Duke of York, Prince Andrew, will attend the national event in Guildford on…

Letter: Green Belt Developments Will Not Help Younger House Seekers

From Roland McKinney Sadly, I think the rather dismal picture painted in the opinion piece: Opinion: What Does The General Election Result Mean for Guildford as Guildford’s future, could come…

Conservatives Tighten Their Grip On The Borough Council – But GGG Win Three

With only one result still to come, it is clear that Conservative domination of Guildford Borough Council (GBC) continues and the number of opposition councillors reduced. Of the 45 council…

Opinion: What Does The General Election Result Mean for Guildford?

By Martin Giles So it’s all done and dusted. Against all expectations the Tory’s have won an outright majority, Dave has been to see the Queen and given his victory…

Opinion: Is There Really A Housing Crisis?

Ben Paton, an Ockham resident who has campaigned against proposals to build on Wisley airfield, argues that an uncritical acceptance that there is a ‘housing crisis’ does not stand up…

Letter: GGG Does Have A Record of Community Action

From Helen Jefferies GGG Candidate for Lovelace Ward in the GBC election on May 7th. It is interesting to note that the Lib Dems in Lovelace claim that “GGG (the…

Council Group Leader Interviews: Susan Parker – GGG

The Guildford Dragon NEWS has invited a leader of each political party and a representative independent candidate, standing for election to Guildford Borough Council (GBC), to be interviewed. The response…

Letter: Building On The Green Belt Requires ‘Exceptional Circumstances’

From Ben Paton Gordon Bridger’s contribution to this debate expresses worthy sentiments but is short on real analysis. It is terribly easy to make a populist argument. It runs: everyone…

Lib Dems Rule Out Council Coalition With Conservatives

Caroline Reeves, the leader of the Liberal Democrat group at Guildford Borough Council, has squashed rumours circulating of a possible Conservative/Lib Dem coalition, should the forthcoming election produce a “no…