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Bus Operators Want ‘U-Turn’ on North Street Bus Station Plans

By Hugh Coakley Guildford bus operators and a borough councillor have objected to the “access arrangements, future capacity and operability” of the bus station improvement plans, part of the St…

Letter: North Street Apartments Will Not Suit Requirements for Families

From: David Smith In response to: GBC Should Commission a Survey on the Issue of Building Height Some people seem to think that all of our housing needs can be…

Letter: The North Street Proposal Cannot Be Right for Guildford

From: Lorimer Burn chairman of the St Catherine’s Village Association In response to: Ten Blocks of Flats in North Street Would Overwhelm the Townscape John Harrison’s comment is insightful with…

Letter: North Street Viewed from Montevideo

From Alvaro Cuenca In response to: 15 Storeys High But People At North Street Exhibition Say It’s ‘Good For Guildford’ I was a visitor in Guildford last June. I have…

Opinion: Our Economy Needs the North Street Project and People Need Homes

By John Rigg lead borough councillor for Regeneration and R4GV ward councillor for Holy Trinity I agree with much of Martin Giles’ opinion piece In My Heart I Knew It…

Opinion: Ten Blocks of Flats in North Street Would Overwhelm the Townscape

By John Harrison I attended the Friary Development exhibition you recently reported on (see: 15 Storeys High But People At North Street Exhibition Say It’s ‘Good For Guildford’) but the…

15 Storeys High But People At North Street Exhibition Say It’s ‘Good For Guildford’

By Hugh Coakley It’ll be “good for Guildford,” was the verdict of most visitors spoken to at the exhibition of the long-awaited North Street Regeneration proposals, to be called The…

Letter: Views on North Street Regeneration Should Be Made Via GBC’s Planning Portal

From: Fiona White chair of GBC’s Planning Committee and Lib Dem borough councillor for Westborough In response to: North Street Regeneration – I Urge Everyone to See the Exhibition Can…

Letter: North Street Regeneration – I Urge Everyone to See the Exhibition

From Tony Rooth R4GV borough councillor for Pilgrims See also: The Friary Quarter – A New Vision For North Street: Visit Our Exhibition I have viewed in person the large-scale model…

Letter: Some Questions Were Answered at the North Street Development Exhibition

From: Bibhas Neogi In response to: Be Sure to See the North Street Development Exhibition and Have Your Say I saw the exhibition yesterday and had some discussion with a…