Chair Effingham Parish Council
In response to: Plan for 17 Homes on Sensitive Site in Effingham Rejected
Effingham Parish Council (EPC), along with the Effingham Residents Association were able to defend key policies in the Neighbourhood Plan on Wednesday night at the Guildford planning meeting.
The Neighbourhood Plan (NP) was under challenge by Millgate Homes, the developer proposing to build on the Church Street site.
In spite of the fact that the GBC planning officer had recommended approval, the planning application was turned down by the planning committee and in doing so they endorsed the fact that the NP still has full weight when it comes to planning decisions, where there is no disparity with the policies of the more recently adopted Guildford Local Plan.
In this case, EPC took advice from a planning barrister, Scott Stemp, and his advice was vital in being able to show that NP policies still have to be recognised and taken seriously, as planning policy, by the developer.
Although the number of homes on the Church Street site is not capped at nine, because the site is no longer in the green belt, any development must be “small-scale” and must preserve or enhance the character and appearance of the Conservation Area.
EPC are doing everything we can to represent the interests of Effingham residents. We have taken advice on another planning matter to help understand planning law in the context of that proposal.
In all planning cases, we continue to use the Neighbourhood Plan and the Guildford Local Plan as evidence for any objections we might make. EPC is totally committed to using the NP to stop any unsuitable development in the parish.
This website is published by The Guildford Dragon NEWS
Contact: Martin Giles
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Stephen Callender
February 5, 2021 at 3:13 pm
As Parish Councils have so little power, it’s heartening to see another PC using its influence to persuade borough councillors to take an independent decision. Planning and planning enforcement are the biggest and most complicated issues that parish councils often have to deal with, so its right that our voices get listened to.
Stephen Callender is the vice-chair of Wanborough Parish Council