Fringe Box



Passer-by Praised for Stopping Sexual Assault

Published on: 2 May, 2017
Updated on: 6 May, 2017

A passer-by who intervened to stop a woman being sexually assaulted in Guildford has been praised for her actions following the sentencing of the perpetrator.

The incident happened on February 2 (2017) on the towpath between the footbridge and the Odeon cinema off Walnut Tree Close. Simon Ciobanu grabbed a 20-year-old woman he did not know and attempted to kiss her before he was confronted by a 31-year-old cyclist.

The first victim was able to run away and raise the alarm as Ciobanu then assaulted the cyclist. Other witnesses came to the women’s aid and officers arrested Ciobanu at the scene.

During the sentencing at Guildford Crown Court last Thursday the second victim was nominated for a High Sheriff’s Award for her actions.

Investigating officer PC Vicky Allen said: “This was a disgusting and completely random attack by a man who now poses no further threat to the public.

“It was an incredible act of bravery by the second victim who intervened and was able to help raise the alarm. She put herself in harm’s way to protect another member of the public which is extremely commendable.”

Ciobanu, 20, of Rye Close, Guildford previously pleaded guilty to two counts of sexual assault and one of resisting arrest and appeared at Guildford Crown Court on Thursday (April 27) where he was sentenced to five and a half years

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