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Pea for Petunia? Cosmos for Cucumber? – Guildford Seed Swappers Get Ready to Sow

Published on: 28 Feb, 2022
Updated on: 28 Feb, 2022

The Zero shop in Friary Street Google Street View

By Martin Giles

Spring is almost here, dibbers are being dusted off, and Guildford gardeners gathered at Zero, the community hub in Friary Street, to swap seeds.

Yesterday’s (Sunday, February 27) event was the first-ever “Guildford Seed Swap” and marked the start of Guildford’s Seed Bank initiative. In partnership with Zero Carbon the Seed Bank encourages people from all around the local area to swap their seed or to buy seed, often donated by others with seeds to spare, for a very low price.

“Anyone seen any love-in-the-mist?”

The event was very successful, with about 140 enthusiasts, with their families, coming in to share and find new seeds to sow.

Guildford takes its first step towards community seed-sharing for biodiversity.”

A spokesperson said “The aim is that amateur gardeners interested in developing seed adapted to local conditions will grow on the seed varieties they have swapped, let some of the plants grow to maturity and harvest the seed, then bring some of it back to the next Seed Swap.

“Sharing seed will also keep alive many varieties which are being dropped by the large seed companies, preserving greater bio-diversity. Over the coming years the Seed Bank will provide seed that is adapted to local conditions and ensure an easily available supply of seed, free or at very low cost, to Surrey citizens.”

If you are interested in joining the Seed Bank group, follow its progress on Instagram @guildfordseedbank , on  or  and get in touch.

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