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Photo Feature: See the Coronation Parties Around the Borough

Published on: 11 May, 2023
Updated on: 14 May, 2023

By Hugh Coakley

The Dragon has asked parish councils to send in photos of coronation celebration parties across the borough.

We will update the article as we receive more photos. If you were at a coronation party over the weekend or have a coronation story to tell, please send us photos and a simple cation and we will include them here.

Worplesdon: Photos provided by Worplesdon parish clerk, Gaynor White.

Young kings and queens attended the Worplesdon coronation celebration.

Knights of the Maypole at Worplesdon celebrations.

Compton parish clerk Joanna Cadman wrote: “The Big Lunch was fantastic and enjoyed by many parishioners. Enormous thanks to Clemy and James for organising such a naturally relaxed and family-friendly event that was perfectly pitched at a wide range of participants.

There was a magnificent Hog Roast, strawberries, fizz, ice cream, and cake (from Loseley) all included. Also great support from Compton Club and Keliegh the events manager, who carried the flame into the evening with a great after-party.”

Dunlin Rise, Merrow: Marcel Fewins wrote: “We are Dunlin Rise in Guildford. For our street party not only did we have over 50 people from our street and neighbouring streets and provided food, games, a tug of war and raised £75 for GUkrain with our street bingo but have also made a bench in honour of the Coronation King.

“Its a beautiful story of the community pulling together to provide a safe place for parents and others to relax and unwind on our green.”

Dunlin Rise, Merrow coronation street party had around 50 people attending.

A wonderful coronation cake for Dunlin Rise, Merrow.

Residents gather around the Dunlin Rise Coronation bench.

Normandy PC and St Mark’s Wyke Coronation Fair: Claire Waters-Duke writes: “A big thank you to everyone who came along to the St. Mark’s and Normandy Parish Council Coronation Fair, it was so lovely to see so many people of all ages attending and having fun.

“With lots of wonderful things to do from petting adorable animals from Miller’s Ark, to arts and crafts, testing abilities on the skills corner and the fun of the traditional coconut shy. There was also plenty of delicious cakes, bbq food and ice cream for everyone to enjoy. Plus a wonderful raffle, with amazing prizes.

Normandy Coronation Fair Coronation human fruit machine.

“We also had the privilege that the Normandy 1953 Coronation Queen Sheila attended the afternoon and judged our best dressed King and Queen competition. Eight year old Lavinia won the Best Dressed Queen, Lavinia is a big fan of the Royal Family.

Normandy’s 1953 Coronation Queen Sheila with Normandy’s 2023 Coronation Queen Lavinia

“It was also a honour that Michael More-Molyneux The Surrey Lieutenancy and his wife Sarah and Jonathan Lord MP for Woking joined us and opened the Fair along with Reverend George Watkinson. Our guests also unveiled a plaque regarding The Queens Green Canopy 2023, where local residents of Normandy have planted over 500 new trees at Manor Fruit Farm. The guests also got to see inside our new Normandy Community Shop and Cafe.

Michael More-Molyneux The Surrey Lieutenancy and his wife Sarah and Jonathan Lord MP for Woking joined us and opened the Fair along with Reverend George Watkinson and Normandy Parish Councillor, Bob Hutton.

“Lastly, we must say a very big thank you to everyone who organised and worked on the event and the volunteers that came along yesterday to run the stalls. Without you there wouldn’t have been a village fair and we are very grateful for all your hard work.”

Girls having fun with arts and crafts at the Normandy Coronation Fair.


Beech Lane, St Catherine’s

Coronation street party in Beech Lane, St Catherine’s.

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