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Photo Feature: Significant Flooding Avoided – Just!

Published on: 5 Jan, 2024
Updated on: 6 Jan, 2024

Flooded road in Walnut Tree Close Photo David Rose

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A repeat of the damaging floods of a decade ago seems to have been avoided in Guildford this morning (January 5).

Yesterday’s persistent and heavy rain fell on saturated ground and a flood alert was issued and remains in place but the River Wey has not broken its banks in the town centre, although some localised flooding of roads has been reported, perhaps because of blocked or inadequate drains. Fortunately, more heavy rain is not forecast for the next few days.

The road to Millbrook car park with the River Wey just inches below. Photo Fiona Giles

Ideal spot for a pigeon but not so good in sandals. But Millmead car park still dry. Photo Fiona Giles

The water at the town Mill was racing at considerable speed. It is not known if the turbine was operating to capture some of the energy…

Small lakes on Shalford Meadow have formed, as they often do in winter, sometimes attracting birdlife. In years gone by, when temperatures were lower, the low-lying meadow was regularly flooded, deliberately, and when the water froze it was used for skating. Photo Fiona Giles

Ferry Lane, St Catherine’s. The towpath, although muddy, is still passable. Photo Fiona Giles

And back in Millmead some very early daffodils give a cheerful promise of spring. Photo Fiona Giles

Late afternoon January 5…

By late afternoon, as the water from the Wey catchment area continued to drain through the water level had risen, despite no further rainfall. Photo Fiona Giles

But still not overflowing into Millbrook car park. Photo Fiona Giles

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Responses to Photo Feature: Significant Flooding Avoided – Just!

  1. Jan Messinger Reply

    January 5, 2024 at 11:45 am

    The River Wey may not have burst its banks yet. However villages around Guildford have had localised flooding. Flooding at Woodstreet, Fairlands and Rickford Worplesdon are dreadful for residents.

    Come on Surrey County Council act quickly and put measures in place to prevent it happening again with all agencies involved to keep us free from flooding.

  2. Steve Perkins Reply

    January 5, 2024 at 12:10 pm

    I have just checked the Thames Water website and true to form Thames Water are currently discharging sewage into the Wey at Godalming, Bramley and Slyfield.

  3. M Durant Reply

    January 6, 2024 at 12:56 pm

    The problem is that they have been building across the countryside, creating large areas of hard-standing, including areas around Guildford, and building on areas that flood regularly.

    The green areas used to absorb the water, have been replaced by concrete, so the water doesn’t get absorbed into the ground but remains on the surface and runs off into drains an gullies moving too quickly into waterways.

    A complex drainage system is needed when there is so many hard surfaces. The combination of an increased population and more extreme weather does not bode well.

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