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Pilgrim Morris Men Herald The Start Of Summer

Published on: 28 Apr, 2014
Updated on: 29 Apr, 2014

The local Pilgrim Morris Men will be celebrating the start of summer this week with two events.

On Thursday, May 1, they will be up with the dawn to dance in May morning on the top of St Martha’s Hill near Chilworth.

The Pilgrim Morris Men will be in action on May 1 and 3.

The Pilgrim Morris Men will be in action on May 1 and 3.

They meet at the Halfpenny Lane car park about 5.15am to allow time to walk to the top to greet the dawn at 5.36am. They will be accompanied by members of Guildford Vox community choir and together they will welcome the dawn with dance and song.

Bearing in mind the time of day, there is always a surprising number of people who turn out to watch and be a part of this traditional event.

On Saturday, May 3, Pilgrim Morris Men will be out again, this time in Guildford, for the Annual Summerpole celebration when the Summer King and Queen with their court will lead a procession up the High Street.

Pilgrim and guest morris sides will carry the Summerpole to Holy Trinity church where they will dance and entertain the royal court. At noon the pole will be erected on Castle Green where it will remain for the rest of the afternoon while the sides dance around the town.

Mored details on the Pilgrim Morris Men’s website:

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