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Planning a Street Party to Celebrate the King Charles’ Coronation? Apply Early Is the Advice

Published on: 28 Jan, 2023
Updated on: 29 Jan, 2023

Thousands of people are expected to line the streets of London to celebrate the Coronation of King Charles III, but Guildford residents will want to celebrate within the borough too.

Guildford Borough Council knows that many neighbourhoods and communities will come together over the bank holiday weekend to raise a glass to our new King and some will be hoping to organise an event on their street.

King Charles III Photo Wikipedia

The Coronation Big Lunch aims to bring neighbours together to celebrate as a community. You can sign up for your Big Lunch pack now to receive fun ideas, tips and advice.

A GBC spokesperson said: “If you would like to hold a street party or celebration where you live to mark this historic occasion, you must apply by the deadline of April 3 2023. This is to make sure your event will be safe, your application processed in time and that it fulfils the requirements of the Road Traffic Act 1984 regulations.”

See: Useful help and step by step guides are available from the Eden Project, organisers of The Big Lunch.

The Mayor of Guildford, Dennis Booth

The Mayor of Guildford, Dennis Booth said: “The Coronation of His Majesty King Charles III will be a wonderful opportunity for communities around the borough to come together. This is history in the making and I hope that many, many people, will raise a glass in celebration of His Majesty The King.”

The Monday, May 8, this special bank holiday commissioned by The King is to celebrate volunteering. The Big Help Out aims to help many different causes and create a volunteering legacy that reflects His Majesty’s service.

Leader of the council and lead councillor for housing and community, Cllr Julia McShane, said: “We would love as many people as possible to celebrate this memorable occasion. Street parties are such a lovely way for communities to get together and mark the Coronation.

Cllr Julia McShane

“Of course we all know how important volunteering in the community is to His Majesty. It would be really lovely if we were all able to spare some time on Monday to help others around us and make a genuine impact of our own.”

The council spokesperson continued: “To mark the Coronation, any road closure application over the bank holiday from Friday, May 5 to Monday, May 8 will be free of charge and applying for a road closure on our website is easy.

“You can apply to close a road for all sorts of things. So whether it is a party or parade, big lunch or for the big help, get your application in!”

Further details of events planned across the borough over the Coronation weekend and funding for communities will be announced on the GBC website soon.

The 2012 Jubilee street party held in Beckingham Road and Weston Road that was hosted by St Francis’ Church. Photo Mike Ellis of Ginger Cat Photography.

Residents wishing to organise a street party are advised by GBC to follow a few steps to help organise a safe and enjoyable day.

  • Consult all the residents in the road
  • Provide a clear map or plan showing the extent of the proposed road closure and diversion for through-traffic
  • The event organiser will be responsible for providing, putting up and removing all signage
  • You will also need to provide an event management plan covering when the event is taking place and relevant contact numbers for the organiser/s, a timeline for the day, and how the area will be set up
  • Consider obtaining Public Liability Insurance cover
  • Web link The Big Lunch | Eden Project Communities
  • The Department for Digital Culture Media and Sport is launching a Coronation website sign up here

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