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Pledge To Get Housing Number To Lowest Sustainable Point

Published on: 28 Oct, 2014
Updated on: 28 Oct, 2014

Guildford Borough Council leader Stephen Mansbridge has pledged to “use every mechanism to get [the borough’s housing] number to the lowest sustainable point possible to pass the inspectorate’s examination”.

GBC LogoIt comes in the wake of planners at Guildford Borough Council producing a summary of the “key feedback themes” that were received during the Draft Local Plan consultation that took place this summer.

A total of 19,500 comments were received from residents, businesses, community groups and stakeholders.

In a statement made on Tuesday, October 28, the leader of the council, Cllr Stephen Mansbridge, said: “The Draft Local Plan raised many comments and concerns, which we are considering most carefully. This is not the final analysis of the recent consultation, but it is a good interim summary of public opinion and the key feedback themes from the wide range of responses.

“In the near future, we expect to be in a position to release the West Surrey Strategic Housing Market Assessment (SHMA) – the joint document produced with Waverley and Woking Borough Councils – that has also considered the feedback and any comments on our own SHMA.

“There will then be further work – largely around infrastructure – that together with the other applied constraints, will allow the council to arrive at a housing number. We will continue to use every mechanism to get this number to the lowest sustainable point possible to pass the inspectorate’s examination.

“We will also take into account recent statements from the Secretary of State and Department for Communities and Local Government. The Planning Inspectorate has now been given a clear indication and stronger ‘steer’ not to allow development that will harm the green belt.

“We will take great care to ensure that the views of our community are at the forefront of our decision-making process.”

The statements adds that the borough’s planning team will continue to review the consultation comments and progress the Local Plan in response to the relevant planning considerations raised. A full report on the consultation with further details will then be published.

To view the initial summary of key emerging feedback themes, visit

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Responses to Pledge To Get Housing Number To Lowest Sustainable Point

  1. Jules Cranwell Reply

    October 29, 2014 at 2:01 pm

    Cllr Mansbridge and his executive ignored largely similar or identical comments from the Issues and Options round, when preparing the daft local plan.

    Why the, the sudden change of ‘trajectory’? Could it be anything to do with the kicking into the long grass the next draft until after the election next may? Surely not.

  2. Ray Briggs Reply

    October 30, 2014 at 10:38 am

    I think there is areal threat that this plan will come back to us largely unchanged after the elections in May.
    Deferring the decision until after the election is both manipulative of the systems and insulting to the electorate.
    I would like to see the three main parties (indeed any party putting forward candidates in May) to state in the Guildford Dragon what there policies are with respect to the plan, and what they see as the way forward for Guildford.
    I would like to see a similar position from all councillors, both at borough and county level.
    A lack of response should be taken as tacit acceptance of the plan and voters can then act accordingly. I would expect that candidates who oppose this plan will do very well in May.

    • Stuart Barnes Reply

      November 5, 2014 at 9:07 am

      The three main parties will say much but do nothing! The only hope seems to be UKIP. See Simon Jenkins’ latest comments re our green and pleasant land.

  3. Bob Panton Reply

    October 30, 2014 at 6:24 pm

    Cllr Mansbridge’s words make interesting reading. I just have this to say.
    Words are cheap, actions maketh the man!

  4. Lisa Wright Reply

    November 2, 2014 at 6:28 pm

    I would say to Jules regarding his earlier comment:

    If that’s the case, perhaps the councillors’ successors have a different trajectory, possibly a more flattering, sensible and sustainable proposal for Guildford.

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