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Plenty Going On at Guildford Cathedral – Recently Voted the Borough’s Favourite Building

Published on: 6 Dec, 2023
Updated on: 6 Dec, 2023

The golden angel on top of Guildford Cathedral.

There is plenty going on this Advent at Guildford Cathedral, recently voted by the pubic as the borough’s favourite building in the 2023 Guildford Design Awards.

Everyone is welcome to attend events and services taking place, particularly during Advent and the journey through to Christmas, or at any time to for just a quite look around this iconic building on Stag Hill.

Click here for the cathedral’s website of services and events.

The Guildford Design Awards (hosted by the Guildford Society) recognise and reward excellence in architecture, urban design, planning and public art across the borough. This was the first time the category of Guildford’s Favourite Building voted by the public was included.

View inside Guildford Cathedral.

Guildford Cathedral’s chief operating Officer Matt O’Grady collected the award and said: “We are delighted to win this award. It seems fitting that over 200,000 members of the public helped us build the cathedral with our ‘buy a brick’ campaign and helped us fund the restoration project in 2016-2017.

“We feel honoured to have won the public’s first vote and would like to thank everyone who voted for us. Our mission is ‘open to all’ and we welcome everyone to come and visit this marvellous building and see all that we have to offer.”

Click here for drone footage taken by Richard Davey taken inside Guildford Cathedral and uploaded to YouTube..

The footage shows Katherine Dienes-Williams, organist and master of the choristers at Guildford Cathedral playing The Swan from Carnival of the Animals by Camille Saint-Saëns arranged by Alexandre Guilmant.

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Responses to Plenty Going On at Guildford Cathedral – Recently Voted the Borough’s Favourite Building

  1. Alistair Smith Reply

    December 7, 2023 at 10:25 am

    Just to correct one point in the article, the Guildford Design Awards are a joint award from Guildford Borough Council and The Guildford Society. We are also grateful to the sponsors of the award who can be found on the Guildford Society Website, together with pictures of all the winners.

    Editor’s response: Thank you for pointing that out. Article now amended.

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