Surrey’s Police and Crime Commissioner’s David Munro is appealing to residents and visitors to help prevent the spread of Covid-19 this bank holiday weekend.
David Munro
In a statement the commissioner notes that in the week up to August 21, there were 95 new cases of Covid-19 reported across Surrey, while the infection rate in the county remains low compared with the rest of the UK.
Current guidance urges against gatherings of more than six people outside, or between more than two households indoors. Social distancing of more than one metre applies in all settings, accompanied by the use of face coverings in shops and enclosed spaces, and on public transport.
Mr Munro said: “We’re not out of the woods yet. Like many Surrey residents, I’m pleased to enjoy greater freedoms as we head towards a new normal. But we mustn’t lose sight of the impact this disease has had on our communities and loved ones, and the potential for a new rise in cases if we are not careful.
“Surrey has a lot to offer and it is likely that there will be a greater number of people on the roads [this bank holiday weekend], but also temped to meet with more people indoors as the season changes.
“I want to thank every person in Surrey for the measures they are taking to keep us all safe. We must continue to social distance, avoid gatherings and wear face masks where required.”
The commissioner reminders people that he has previously spoken out as large numbers of visitors to the Frensham ponds and other beauty spots in Surrey highlighting concerns over social distancing.
And, antisocial parking, including blocking access, has also been highlighted in Surrey residents’ concerns in recent weeks, and could result in a warning, fine or other penalty.
He asks people to consider whether their plans for this weekend are likely to bring them into contact with a large number of people, including those who may be vulnerable, and to follow the latest government advice to prevent the spread of Covid-19.
Story based on a press statement from the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Surrey.
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Contact: Martin Giles
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