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Police Commissioner Says: ‘We Must Work Together to Defeat Terrorism’

Published on: 23 Mar, 2017
Updated on: 26 Mar, 2017

David Munro, Police & Crime Commissioner for Surrey

The police and crime commissioner (PCC) for Surrey, David Munro, has called for all communities to stand together following yesterday’s terror attack in Westminster.

The PCC joined Surrey Police officers and staff in a minute’s silence at the Force’s Mount Browne HQ in Guildford this morning to pay respect to the victims, those injured and those affected.

PCC Munro said: “I am deeply shocked and saddened by yesterday’s terrible attack in Westminster and my thoughts remain with all those who have been affected.

“These events are a stark reminder of how much we depend on police officers to protect us all from harm on a daily basis. The swift response of the emergency services to yesterday’s attack no doubt prevented an even worse tragedy and I would like to pay particular tribute to the brave actions of PC Keith Palmer who sadly lost his life protecting others.

“As police and crime commissioner for Surrey, tackling the threat of terrorism is one of my key priorities and I would urge everyone in the county to remain vigilant and report any suspicious activity to police as a matter of urgency.

“We must continue to work together to defeat terrorism and those who seek to create fear and disharmony in our communities.”

In a press statement Surrey Police has said that it: “…continues to review its officer deployments following the horrific attacks in London yesterday, however we were already operating at a heightened state of security against a severe threat level which has been in place since 2014, and this level continues.”

“Our policing tactics and security measures are constantly reviewed and we, along with our partners, are working around the clock to keep our county and the wider country as safe as possible.

“The force continues to liaise with national and regional colleagues as the investigation unfolds.

“The public remain crucial in helping us to keep our towns, cities and communities safe, and we would urge everyone to remain vigilant when you are out and about and if you see anything suspicious then let us know using the Anti Terrorist Hotline 0800 789 321 or 999 in an emergency.”

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