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Police Renew Appeal for Information About Sara Sharif

Published on: 25 Aug, 2023
Updated on: 25 Aug, 2023

Sara Sharif

Detectives investigating the murder of 10-year-old Sara Sharif in Woking are continuing to appeal for information to help them piece together a picture of Sara’s lifestyle prior to her death.

The renewed appeal has been issued two weeks after Sara’s body was found by officers at her home in Hammond Road, Horsell,  near Woking, in the early hours of August 10.

Detectives widened the timescale of their investigation after the post-mortem revealed that Sara had suffered multiple and extensive injuries, likely to have been caused over a sustained and extended period of time.

See also: Plea for Information About 10-year-old Murder Victim Whose Identity Has Been Confirmed

The initial appeal, which was launched on 18 August, has prompted a number of responses and detectives are reviewing all the information received so far as part of their ongoing enquiries.

But the police are still looking to speak to anyone who knew Sara, or with any information that could assist the investigation, no matter how insignificant it might seem.

Detective Superintendent Mark Chapman, from the Surrey Police and Sussex Police Major Crime Team, said: “It is now two weeks since Sara’s body was found and the impact of her tragic death continues to be felt deeply by the local and wider community, including our officers and staff.

“We would like to thank those people who have already come forward and reported information to us.

“However, we know that there will be lots of people in the Woking community and beyond who will have had contact with Sara who may not already have come forward, and we would encourage them to do so. Any information is better than no information – although you might think it’s insignificant, it might be vital to the investigation and in helping us to bring justice for Sara.”

A police spokesperson said: “If you have information, please report this to us online through our Major Incident Public Portal:

“Alternatively, you can report information by calling 101, quoting Operation Unison.

“If you do not wish to speak to police, you can call independent charity Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.”

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