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Police Want to Round Up Witnesses Who Saw Runaway Horse in Milford

Published on: 11 Sep, 2020
Updated on: 11 Sep, 2020

Surrey police saddled with the problem of a runaway horse in Milford are trying to round up witnesses to find exactly what happened.

On August 30, officers were called in the afternoon when a horse bolted and ran into the main Petworth Road.

Witnesses said the horse ran into a street lamp and fell down a bank. It then climbed back up the bank and fell again, this time on the road in front of a car.

Despite all this, officers who checked the horse did not find any physical injuries.

PC Luke Flint, from Waverley Safer Neighbourhood Team, said: “We spoke to people on the day but I need them to come forward so I can speak to them further to establish some facts.”

If you have any information which could help, please contact police, giving reference number PR/45200095198 via:

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