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Prolific Paedophile from Ash Vale Sentenced to 12 years

Published on: 30 Jun, 2017
Updated on: 30 Jun, 2017

Nicolas Brown

A man from Ash Vale has been sentenced to 12 years in prison after he spent nearly ten years paying to watch children, some as young as five, be sexually abused live online.

Nicholas Brown of Cypress Grove, Ash Vale was sentenced at Guildford Crown Court today (30 June) having pleaded guilty in March this year to: 12 counts of arranging or facilitating the commission of a child sex offence; five counts of making indecent images of children.

Brown was charged with the offences in 2015 and what followed was a long and complex investigation to uncover over 600,000 lines of chat communications ordering the sexual abuse of children in the Philippines.

The 63-year-old would develop online relationships with women in the Philippines who were seeking money. He would have regular and lengthy chats with these women in which he would graphically describe how we would want children present in the chats to be abused and abuse each other.

Detective Inspector Jon Vogel from Surrey Police’s Paedophile Online Investigation Team said of Brown: “Nicholas Brown not only sought out those who were willing to abuse their own children on webcam but also pursued individuals who were willing to get children ‘off the street’ whilst he was on webcam and then sexually abuse them.

“The total amount of money that he had sent to the Philippines for this abuse has been calculated at over £260,000.”

He went on to say: “The sentencing today reflects the depravity, violence and cruelty this dangerous paedophile inflicted on his victims. This should serve as a warning to those who abuse children that Surrey Police take all allegations seriously and has the expertise to fully investigate and prosecute these offences.”

Brown will serve nine years of his sentence in prison and the remainder on extended license.

He was also classed as dangerous and serious threat to the public by the judge, Roger Chapple.

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