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Proposal to Ban Right Turns into York Road Now Scrapped

Published on: 24 Oct, 2023
Updated on: 25 Oct, 2023

The junction of London Road and York Road. A proposal to ban right turns has now been scrapped. Google Street View

By Martin Giles

Surrey County Council is not now proposing a right turn ban from London Road (A3100) into York Road as part of its controversial scheme to improve cycling and pedestrian safety.

Roger Williams, the active travel programme manager at SCC, wrote: “I can confirm that we are not looking to ban the right turn at York Road. The proposal which is contained in the modelling report was one of the options considered, but is not one that we will be taking forward.

“As part of the design process we model a number of scenarios and this was one of the options that we were considering, but have now discounted.

“We will be revising the modelling report to reflect our preferred proposal, but this will not materially change the findings of the modelling report.”

The decision came to light following a reader’s letter (Is This Openness and Transparency?) from Terry Newman, chair of the London Road Action Group.

Dragon reader Jenny Grove responded, in a comment: “The no right turn from London Road into York Road is apparently incorrect. According to Cllr George Potter [Lib Dem, Burpham] whom my husband and I spoke to last Monday [October 16] at the Merrow Resident’s meeting, the traffic lights will be re-phased to allow a right turn into York Road, but the road will only be a single carriageway leading to the traffic lights.” Cllr Potter confirmed Ms Grove’s account.

Ms Grove continued: “If this is the case, why are we being misled by information in the ‘Have your say’ document and why has this not been altered on the document webpage? This contentious matter needs to be clarified by Surrey County Council.”

Mr Newman commented: “…further to my earlier letter, identifying some of the salient issues that appeared in the Surrey CC Traffic Modelling report, as published on their survey website. They have now stated that this version was merely an option that they were considering, but has now been discounted. Was this made clear or evident, either in the report or on the website? No!

“Having clearly stated that the modelling was based on the banning of a right turn from London Road to York Road, SCC has now backtracked to say that the junction would allow right turns, controlled by re-phasing the traffic lights.

“This is another example of deeply flawed management control of the Active Travel Scheme project.” (See full comment below.)

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Responses to Proposal to Ban Right Turns into York Road Now Scrapped

  1. Terry Newman Reply

    October 24, 2023 at 1:04 pm

    This is further to my earlier letter, identifying some of the salient issues that appeared in the Surrey County Council Traffic Modelling report, as published on their survey website.

    They have now stated that this version was merely an option that they were considering, but has now been discounted. Was this made clear or evident, either in the report or on the website? No!

    Having clearly stated that the modelling was based on the banning of a right turn from London Road to York Road, SCC have now backtracked to say that the junction would allow right turns, controlled by re-phasing the traffic lights.

    This is another example of deeply flawed management control of the Active Travel Scheme project. One that has:
    • failed to ensure that all local residents were issued with letters inviting them to participate in the engagement in good time;
    • invited survey comments before publishing important information, like the Traffic Modelling or very relevant FAQs;
    • issued misinformation such as the road remaining the same width, when it evidently is not;
    • stated that the design will inevitably increase congestion and that it will be up to vehicle drivers to adopt alternative routes (rat runs);
    • produced a biased style of survey, allegedly with the assistance of local stakeholders, published without final review, guillotined by some undeclared pressured timescale;
    • deferred a workshop review of the design and traffic management, intended to understand the lived experience of those using the London Road, until after publicising plans that appear, to all intents and purposes, to be a fait accompli scheme;

    This is not the behaviour demanded of those working for the public, and runs so deeply contrary to the Nolan Principles of public life.

    Is there a clear explanation anywhere that opinions given will only be relevant to the knowledge provided at the time? Will any collation and analysis identify who knew what and when?

    The process of information presentation ought to have been stabilised for the duration of an engagement period, not continually amended, or shown as incorrect and irrelevant within days of presentation.

    Terry Newman is the chair of the London Road Action Group

  2. John Lomas Reply

    October 24, 2023 at 7:13 pm

    Am I being cynical or could this possibly be an example of deliberately inserting proposals, which you know will be objected to, just so that you can remove them after said objections and claim that this shows you take notice of consultation responses.

    • Wayne Smith Reply

      October 26, 2023 at 1:16 pm

      John Lomas may well be correct and I would also suggest that just because SCC have said they won’t do something doesn’t mean that they won’t change their mind six months or a year after this scheme is implemented and then ban right turns. Having a single lane at the York Road traffic lights is surely going to be detrimental to vehicle traffic flows but the few cyclists will be smiling.

      Little by little, SCC are putting a stranglehold on traffic through Guildford. For example: no through access southbound in Walnut Tree Close; this London Road scheme on a major arterial road; the no right turn into York Road proposal (supposedly never intended).

      They recently had a 20mph sign painted on the road adjacent to Stoke Church (next to a 30mph sign!). Another supposed mistake, now corrected. Bus stop pull-ins on the A246 Epsom Road were removed. Now when the bus stops the traffic stops.

      My conspiracy theory – when the stranglehold is complete we can look forward to the SCC Congestion Charge proposal!

  3. Alan Cooper Reply

    October 25, 2023 at 12:10 am

    I just wonder if SCC has an unthinking “think tank” to create various ways to inconvenience all road users in Guildford, a committee comprising non-drivers on work experience. It appears to have little idea of how inadequate the Guildford traffic system already is, in their apparent attempt to make it worse.

    For instance, there is a perfectly good cycle and footpath in Stoke Park that runs parallel with London Road from Boxgrove (AA) roundabout to past Ennismore Avenue on opposite side of road. London Road then narrows drastically up to York Road.

    Some of SCC’s ill thought out proposals bear the legacy of the wasted £000s as proven by the now cancelled Parkway Bus Lane which indicates the inefficiency of the SCC’s Highways Department.

    Surely the millions of pounds we are told the London Road scheme is going to cost would be better spent on improving the many sub standard road surfaces in the entire area?

  4. jim allen Reply

    October 26, 2023 at 4:12 pm

    to John, Wayne and Alan extract tissues… and weep
    you are all correct. this will lead you to the problem. I tried telling everyone multiple years ago .again a voice in the wilderness you voted it in!

    stopping cars, narrowing roads, making driving difficult – Guildford is THAT experiment, the 15 minute communities

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