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Proposals to Tackle ‘Death Trap’ Road – Resident Urges Others to Have Their Say

Published on: 18 Sep, 2023
Updated on: 18 Sep, 2023

Cars leaving the 40 mph limit on Farnham Road as the travel down from the Hog’s Back to Guildford.

By Martin Giles

The Farnham Road by Onslow Village has been described as a “death trap crossing” by a local resident, who wishes to encourage his fellow residents to participate in a Surrey County Council survey, due to close on Friday (September 22).

SCC is proposing to reinstate a 30 mph limit on a stretch of the road between Scillonian Road and High View Road, which has street lights and would therefore normally be automatically designated 30 mph. The documentation relating to the raising of the limit to 40mph in 1965 has been lost.

Cllr Angela Goodwin

SCC says on its website: “Following a request from the Guildford South West county councillor (Angela Goodwin) and local residents to extend the existing 30 mph speed limit on an additional section of the A31 Farnham Road, the Surrey County Council engineers discussed this request with the police.

“There are several side roads that join the affected section of the A31 Farnham Road and some drivers have expressed their concerns regarding the speed of some vehicles on that section of the A31 Farnham Road where they have difficulty exiting the side roads into the A31.

Map showing proposed changes on the A31, Farnham Road. Apple Maps (Click to enlarge)

Affected resident Philip Glassborow described crossing the road as a “death trap”. He said: “Traffic comes thundering down the hill from the Hog’s Back into Guildford and the speed limit there is technically 40mph, although traffic is frequently much faster.

“There have been nasty accidents around the turning off Farnham Road into Friars Gate, which leads through to Onslow Village.  Vehicles hitting people at 30mph are less likely to cause fatalities than vehicles hitting people at 40mph, as we all know from our speed awareness courses!

“And many people (including my grandchildren) cross the road just there to access The Mount, which is a beautiful open space with commanding views of the city and onwards to London.  But you take your life in your hands – literally! – when you try and cross the Farnham Road just there.

“I encourage other your readers to look at the relevant SurreySays consultation (click here), and register their interest if they agree that the speed limit should be restored to 30mph.”

No left turn into The Drive

It is proposed to ban left-hand-turns into the hairpin angle into The Drive. Google Street View

Also proposed is the banning of left-hand turns by all vehicular traffic from the A31 Farnham Road into The Drive.

The proposal is being made following consultation with Surrey Police, according to SCC, “on safety grounds following an assessment of the geometry of the two roads concerned.

“Drivers of vehicles are having difficulty turning into The Drive from the A31 Farnham Road due to the acute angle of the turn that has to be made… This position can potentially create a safety hazard to other motorists and, additionally, to other road users.”

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Responses to Proposals to Tackle ‘Death Trap’ Road – Resident Urges Others to Have Their Say

  1. Howard Moss Reply

    September 19, 2023 at 12:05 pm

    The no left turn into The Drive from Farnham Road was put in place months ago, along with a no right turn from the Drive onto the Farnham Road, which was never part of the consultation to alter that junction. The result is that it has created a dangerous right turn onto the Farnham Road from both Friars Gate and Scillonian Road due to Friars Gate sloping back and the big trees on Farnham Road obstructing the view up the road from both turns.

    Reducing the speed from 40mph to 30mph will help a little, but it was always safer to turn right from the Drive than the other two roads.

  2. Bibhas Neogi Reply

    September 19, 2023 at 12:28 pm

    Reduction of speed limit down to 30mph is a good idea but not all drivers are likely to observe the limit out of hours unless speed cameras are in operation. There is an operational cost in monitoring the system.

    However, in addition to extending the 30mph limit, a pedestrian crossing near High View Road with a refuge island may provide a safer crossing that leads to The Mount. Surrey County Council could explore this idea. As far as I am aware, there is no footway on the south side of Farnham Road on this stretch and any need for other pedestrian crossings here.

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