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Further Public EU Debate Announced for Guildford

Published on: 24 May, 2016
Updated on: 25 May, 2016

EU symbol with a question markAnne Milton, Guildford’s MP has announced a further debate on the EU.

This time the event will be held in Guildford town and be open to the public.

It is to take place on Thursday, 9 June, 19:00-20:30 at Guildford Baptist Church, Millmead. Admission will be free and no booking is required.

Rt Hon Anne Milton MP

Rt Hon Anne Milton MP

The event will chaired by Ms Milton who has said that she wanted people to have the opportunity to be better informed ahead of the referendum vote on June 23.

This debate is being arranged in collaboration with members of Guildford Baptist Church.

There will be a chance to hear from two speakers, one for and one against, and the audience will be invited to ask questions. The speakers will be:

  • Paul Lomas, Partner at Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer LLP
  • Dominic Raab MP, Member of Parliament for Esher and Walton and Parliamentary Under Secretary of State at the Ministry for Justice
Paul Lomas

Paul Lomas

Anne Milton said, this morning (May 24): “After the success of their general election hustings, I am delighted that Guildford Baptist Church will be hosting one of the local EU Referendum debates.

“I know that the two speakers will have a lot to contribute to the debate and I look forward to hearing some challenging questions from the audience. I hope that this will play an important part in informing people ahead of the vote on 23 June.”

Dominic Raab MP

Dominic Raab MP

Rod Boreham, Guildford Town Centre Chaplain, said: “With so many claims and counter-claims about the effects of the EU referendum on the future of the UK being bandied about in the media, I believe that the debate being organised on 9 June at Guildford Baptist Church by Anne Milton MP is vital.

“Very few of us have had a chance to hear sane, rational arguments from either side of the debate, and this event gives us a chance to listen and ask pertinent questions directly to those who should have some answers.”

The event will not be ticketed. The church will be open to all comers and has a capacity of 500.  Details for the church can be found on and all enquiries can be sent to

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