St Nicolas Infant School reports the return of its pupils was “even happier and more successful than we could have hoped for.”
The school, off Portsmouth Road, Guildford, adds: “Our school lives life in all its fullness, as our vision statement says, and our focus was on the children’s wellbeing as they returned.
Pupils pleased to see each other at St Nicolas Infant School.
“We have been impressed and proud of the way the children have demonstrated our school values, persevering and having hope during lockdown and continuing to be wise learners.
“They have been living our values as they have returned, and it has been a joy to see that sense of unity as they have worked together in class and welcomed the new children that had joined us during lockdown.
“Just as before, the children have treated each other with dignity, respect, fairness and love. Their excitement to be back at school was wonderful to see, with some children even disappointed at home time because they were enjoying being back so much!!”
The school welcomed children back with a book week.
The school welcomed pupils back with a book week, an opportunity to share stories with friends and enjoy lots of the social interaction they had missed during lockdown.
It featured sharing stories from different continents to learn more about them, including music and dance, and creating art inspired by the different habitats and animals the pupils learned about.
Back to lessons at St Nicolas Infant school.
Comments from pupils included: “The best thing about coming back to school is seeing my friends because they mean a lot to me and they stay by my side.”
“I love being back at school because we learn skills like writing and maths. We also have nice stuff to do and we have a nice classroom.”
“The best thing about coming back to school is seeing my teacher. It’s so much more fun learning at school!”
“I am so happy to meet my friends and teachers. I love this school!”
Dressing up was part of the return to school.
This website is published by The Guildford Dragon NEWS
Contact: Martin Giles
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