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Pushing Pedals: Choose A Way To Have Your Say

Published on: 2 Aug, 2021
Updated on: 4 Aug, 2021

This is the latest monthly column on local cycling by the Guildford Bicycle User Group (G-BUG). Its vision is to make cycling in Guildford safer, more convenient and fun. Members share a passion for making the borough more accessible through increased cycling.

By Bridie Sullivan

Photo by Waldemar Brandt

This month, we highlight some of the ways to contribute thoughts and ideas to make walking or cycling safer and more attractive for local journeys.

It’s often called active travel and it would mean Guildford would be less congested to travel in as well.

Last year, the pandemic provided one notable positive, a respite from rising levels of congestion. But as life returns to normal, so does the amount of traffic and all that’s associated with it, including noise and pollution.

Photo by Sahin Seze Dincer

But some things have been learned from the lockdowns. A recent study examined data on casualties from 72 low-traffic neighbourhoods (LTNs), created in London between March and September of last year.

Road injuries had halved in those LTNs, more than twice the improvement created by 20mph urban speed limits. The greatest reduction in injuries was to those suffered by pedestrians and people in cars

Photo by Gemma Evan

How do we make our own streets safer?

The University of Surrey and the Surrey Climate Commission are asking you to do an online survey by the end of August to see what encourages you to travel actively. You can remain anonymous or choose to enter your email address to be in with a chance of winning an Amazon voucher.

Another way to air your thoughts is with Surrey County Council which is asking you to pin your views onto an interactive map on how to improve walking and cycling routes in Surrey.

They are developing Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plans (LCWIPs) across the county to help determine where best to prioritise investment. You can also view suggestions from others and add your support.

September is going to be a great month for local events in Guildford

Bike to School Week takes place between September 27 and October 1. It is a week-long event across the UK to celebrate cycling to school and the huge benefit an active lifestyle has on pupils’ health and well-being.

Organised by Sustrans and supported by the Bikeability Trust, there is a range of online resources available. Encourage your school to take part and try cycling your child’s school run over the summer holidays.

Footpath and cycleway on the River Wey

September will also see events in Guildford as part of Great Big Green Week (September 18-26) a nationwide celebration of climate action.

As part of this, Zero Carbon Guildford, a new local charity, will be organising a series of talks and events exploring local solutions to the global climate emergency.

Great Big Green Week will culminate in a town centre car-free day on September 26, where G-BUG and many other local organisations will be in the town centre. We invite you to join us and have your say.

Safe cycling, G-BUG

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