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Pushing Pedals: It’s National Walking Month #WalkThisMay

Published on: 16 May, 2022
Updated on: 16 May, 2022

This is the monthly column on local cycling by the Guildford Bicycle User Group (G-BUG). Its vision is to make cycling in Guildford safer, more convenient and fun. Members share a passion for making the borough more accessible through increased cycling.

By Bridie Sullivan

The month of May is officially National Walking Month.

And UK charity, Living Streets, is a on a mission to make walking our first choice for all local journeys, one street and one school at a time.

May is National Walking Month. Photo by Ben. Wicks, Unsplash.

Their challenge this year, which G-BUG supports, is to encourage us all to try walking for 20 minutes everyday throughout May.

Living Streets is celebrating a Walk to School Week between May 16 to 20. Schools can order classroom packs and get involved in a five-day walking project. Last year over 350,000 pupils across the UK took part.

Locally, Sandfield Primary School in the centre of Guildford have organised a group cycle ride that they hope will raise awareness of the many sustainable alternatives to driving the school run. On Friday, May 20, participating pupils will walk, scoot and cycle through Stoke Fields to school.

Try cycling to school during International Bike Week (June 6 to 12). Photo by Markus Spiske, Unsplash.

They want to convince as many parents as possible to leave their cars at home for at least one day a week on a more regular basis and try an alternative. To capture feedback and share their views about the experience, parents are promised a coffee on arrival.

Look out for the Sandfield families who hope to borrow and trial lots of alternative ways to get to school, from cargo bikes to trailers. Try before you buy is a good way to make the best investment in an alternative mode of transport for you and your family

International Bike Week (June 6 to 12) focuses on local communities and how to increase enjoyment of our own neighbourhoods by chosing to cycle or walk shorter journeys.

Organised in the UK by the Guildford based, CyclingUK, they want to inspire thousands of people to take part in Bike Week this year.

You could organise a ride, with information and materials from CyclingUK to help you.

Photo by Angelo Moleele, Unsplash.

Or take part as a commuter and encourage your company to get involved. Maps are available to plot out local and safe routes. CyclingUK want you to share any photos of your adventures on #BikeWeekUK.

Whether you walk your way through May or celebrate June’s Bike Week with a community cycle, it’s a great way to work out what your local area has to offer.

You could also join G-BUG. We campaign for the infrastructure to make more sustainable alternatives possible by having a say in the future plans of our neighbourhoods.

Safe Cycling


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Responses to Pushing Pedals: It’s National Walking Month #WalkThisMay

  1. Simon Firth Reply

    May 24, 2022 at 7:07 pm

    There is very little that gives me more faith in the future of society than seeing kids cycling to school. The comparison between what we did with our kids and what I see today, children being chaperoned into school in big metal cocoons, is rather depressing.

    From my experience, cycling to school in the 80s, with my friends, was as much fun as all the lunch and break times. There were always at least 12 of us that cycled to school as a group. When we first started cycling to secondary, we had to get off and walk up the hills but after three months we were able to race up with speed.

    We were all incredibly fit and healthy at the time, I cannot say that about my kids today.

  2. Julia Shaw Reply

    May 24, 2022 at 9:22 pm

    Well done Sandfield Primary School. I hope your group cycle ride to school went well.

  3. Calum Shaw Reply

    May 24, 2022 at 9:33 pm

    Sandfield had so much fun on Friday. I counted about 50 sets of wheels (including scooters and skates I’m guessing about 120 wheels in total).

    All smiles, and mostly wishing the route to school was a little bit longer. I saw some children cycling up Stoke Fields away from the school so they could come back again

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