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Pushing Pedals: ‘It’s Never Been A Better Time To Get Your Employer Cycling’

Published on: 28 Mar, 2022
Updated on: 30 Mar, 2022

This is the monthly column on local cycling by the Guildford Bicycle User Group (G-BUG). Its vision is to make cycling in Guildford safer, more convenient and fun. Members share a passion for making the borough more accessible through increased cycling.

By Bridie Sullivan

British Summer Time started yesterday (March 27) and for some cyclists, it marks the resumption of the cycle commute as evenings get longer and lighter.

And it is important; studies have shown that commuting could be responsible for up to 5 per cent of all UK carbon emissions.

by Jasmin Sessler, Unsplash.

The government is mounting pressure to convince companies to reduce their carbon emissions to net zero by 2030. They have decided on a number of categories to assess those with a 100+ employees.

Scope 3 is the category most likely to directly affect employes as it covers the indirect emissions that occur from running a business. This includes commuting, working from home and policies on replacing car use with active travel, such as cycling.

The active travel industry is trying to help by developing tools and strategies to make it easier to find ways to reduce the Scope 3 emissions.

By Jordan Brierley, Unsplash.

Mobility Ways have created the ACEL (Average Commuter Emissions Level) rating system that helps employers and communities “evidence, track, plan and change their commuter emissions”. They throw in a free calculator identifying the modes that are hitting the highest levels of CO2.

Sustrans, the cycling charity that aims to make make it easier for people to cycle or walk, have joined the ArcGIS Living Atlas. Over 12,000 miles of National Cycle Network routes are now available with GIS software.

It’s never been a better time to get your employer cycling and contributing to the company’s net-zero goals. Ask them!

Cycling UK, based in Guildford, offer the Cycle Friendly Employer award, an international benchmark of gold, silver or bronze in recognition of a company’s active travel culture, infrastructure and policies.

You could also start a company BUG, Bicycle User Group. The Met Office began one over 20 years ago, citing a number of learnings as key to their success, such as senior members who can support the need for investment in infrastructure, a focus on the social aspect which ultimately builds your network at work, plus a common goal and the ability to partner with other groups.

You could join G-BUG, Guildford’s Bicycle User Group, with many years of experience in working with local and county councils, parishes and developers. Our aim is to ensure that those who want to embrace active travel can have a say in the infrastructure investment required to make it possible.


Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn or sign-up here.

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Responses to Pushing Pedals: ‘It’s Never Been A Better Time To Get Your Employer Cycling’

  1. Calum Shaw Reply

    May 9, 2022 at 10:36 pm

    I think it is now the duty of employers to include commuting miles in their CO2 reduction targets.

    Active travel has so many additional benefits – personal mental and physical health, reducing traffic jams, improving air quality and reducing the number of parking spaces needed in town. It’s a win-win-win-win-win.

  2. Simon Firth Reply

    May 12, 2022 at 10:10 am

    Cycle to work schemes that give allow tax free purchases of shiny new bikes, and electric bikes that get you to work without breaking into a sweat is a revolution for active travel. The small hill where I live at the start of my journey into town is effectively flattened too.

    I love electric bikes.

    Never being stuck in traffic is a smug bonus too.

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