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Rail Industry Supporting Service Personnel and Veterans to Attend Remembrance Services

Published on: 29 Oct, 2023
Updated on: 29 Oct, 2023

Poppy wreaths are laid on the steps of Guildford’s war memorial in the traditional ceremony held annually at the Castle Grounds.

Military personnel and veterans attending services of remembrance next month will be able to travel to and from the events by train for free. 

The offer will benefit people travelling to and from services anywhere in Britain on Remembrance Sunday, 12 November. Veterans and serving personnel attending the Remembrance Sunday ceremony at the Cenotaph can travel to any London terminal for free on Saturday 11 November or on the day – and be able to return home for free afterwards.

Rail Delivery Group (RDG), which represents train companies, said the offer is open to serving military personnel in uniform or who show a current Ministry of Defence-issued identity card. Veterans can show a Veterans Railcard, a Veterans Oyster card or other proof of service – such as a Ministry of Defence-issued Veterans ID card.

RDG Chief Executive Jacqueline Starr said: “Many of our great railway stations have memorials to the thousands of rail workers who gave their lives in the two world wars of the last century. During this period of reflection and remembrance, the rail industry is proud to help the service personnel of today – and those who

have fought in more recent conflicts – travel to ceremonies up and down Britain as the nation gathers to remember those who have died serving our country.”

Mark Harper MP

Transport Secretary Mark Harper said: “Remembrance Sunday is an important day of reflection across the country, honouring all of those who served our country with bravery and endeavour. It’s right that our veterans and serving military personnel will have free rail travel to and from remembrance services across Great Britain.

“We remember the past sacrifices but also think of – and thank – those who continue to defend our freedoms and protect our way of life.”

Veterans or serving personnel taking part in other remembrance-related events earlier in November may also be able to travel for free and should contact the train company they plan to use.

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