Fringe Box



Further Ramblings Of Railwaymen At The Guildford Institute

Published on: 1 Oct, 2013
Updated on: 1 Oct, 2013

By Ben Darnton

Local author and former fireman at Guildford engine shed Geoff Burch, gave an excellent talk accompanied by a slide show about his and his colleagues’ experiences on and off the footplate during the 1960s.

Geoff Burch giving his talk at the Guildford Institute.

Geoff Burch giving his talk at the Guildford Institute.

Numerous rare photographs were accompanied by amusing stories and anecdotes from the last days of steam on the Southern Region.

One of Geoff’s former colleagues, Dave Salmon, was in the audience and several of his rare colour photographs were shown.

Especially poignant were shots of the Guildford engine sheds after the last steam locos left, sadly destined for the scrap yard in July 1967.

For anyone who may be interested in booking Geoff for a talk or to buy either of his two books, you can contact him on

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