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Rare Vintage Pictures Of Merrow Engineering Firm P.A.M Ltd

Published on: 13 Jan, 2018
Updated on: 27 Feb, 2022

By David Rose

Here are some rare photos taken at P.A.M Ltd, an engineering firm that was based at Merrow Sidings, now the Merrow Business Park, off Park Lane.

They belonged to Mamie Grover, who died recently aged 103 years.

Local historian and genealogist from Pirbright Historians, Jonathan Foster, emailed me these pictures.

Fred Taylor, Bruce Holt, ? Poulter. Click to enlarge pictures in a new window.

He says: “Mamie was a former resident at the Abbeyfield here at Pirbright, but was raised and spent much of her life at Merrow.

“Amongst her effects were some photos, which we’ve been given, of P.A.M. Ltd of Merrow Sidings, where she worked for many years.

“Not much is available online about the firm. They were originally Pooley Austin & Martin and during the Second World War were naval instrument makers and afterwards were incorporated into a conglomerate called the Southern Areas Electric Corporation, manufacturing electrical widgets.

“We’ve done some research on the names written on the backs of some of the photos and reckon they were taken about 1946-47.”

Back row, from left: Miss Smith, Joyce ?, Eileen Foord, Mrs Clun, Miss Clarke, Betty Faron, Joan Wiltshire, Rosy Bassom, Mary Barker. Front row: Mrs Porteous, Miss Cassell, Betty Clark, Jean Cripps, Mrs Hope, Miss Botley.

I last met Mamie a couple of years ago when I gave a local history talk to the Rawlings Club, that meets regularly at Pirbright Village Hall.

She was a lovely person, bright as a button with a lot of fascinating stories to tell, then aged 101. Her and her husband also lived in Frog Grove Lane in Wood Street Village for a number of years.

During my time at the Surrey Advertiser I copied some of her and her husband’s photos they took in and around Guildford town centre in about the late 1950s and early 60s. I have used some of them in past articles and in my books.

Bruce Holt (foreman), Beryl Kidder.

Some names of people featured have been written on the backs of the P.A.M Ltd photos, and which are noted here in the captions. My thanks go to Jonathan Foster who has additionally supplied them to me for this article.

The machine shop at P.A.M Ltd.

Gerry Suthers, Reg Lodge, Bob Howard, Gerald Widmer, Stan Harris.

Can anyone add any further details about P.A.M Ltd? If so, please leave a reply in the box below.

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Responses to Rare Vintage Pictures Of Merrow Engineering Firm P.A.M Ltd

  1. Alex Maddyson Reply

    July 9, 2021 at 1:44 pm

    These photos are simply mesmerizing, I can say with confidence they would be proud of the engineers who are now developing wired technologies, introducing artificial intelligence in various spheres of life, designing huge houses and communications, or providing services at to various business projects that bring only help and benefit to our lives.

    My grandfather also had photos from the factory and he was an engineer, as I am now.

  2. Doug Mumford Reply

    February 27, 2022 at 8:12 pm

    I was apprenticed to PAM in 1956 and am certain that the initials referred to Perry, Austin and Murphy. Remember my days there as clear as a bell. Mick Haines was manager, George Blundell works foreman, and managing director was Elliot. A hugely fat man who could have been a model for Jabba the Hut. We still made radar accessories for the Admiralty at that time and the apprentices were used mainly as a form of slave labour

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