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Record Breaking A-Level Results at Guildford Schools

Published on: 19 Aug, 2014
Updated on: 21 Aug, 2014
Jumping for joy - High School girls celebrate success - Photo by Andrew Tobin/Tobinators Ltd

Jumping for joy – High School girls celebrate success – Photo by Andrew Tobin/Tobinators Ltd

By Victoria Lazarevic

More record breaking A Level exam results have been reported by Guildford schools which already enjoy a reputation as being high achievers.

Guildford County School, a state secondary school in Farnham Road, announced its best A-Level results ever.

35% of A2 results were at grades A*/A, and the school is delighted to report that this is the highest it has ever achieved.  60% of all grades awarded were at A*- B with an overall A’ level pass rate at 99.5% and a record five students have achieved a place at Oxbridge.

Headteacher Jack Mayhew said: ‘The students and staff deserve huge credit for all their work towards these excellent results. The vast majority of our A2 [second year A-level] students have secured their university places, and we look forward to hearing from all our students’ and their successes in future.’

Mr Mayhew gave particular credit to Tom Archer who achieved 4 A*’s, Tom Sellin; 3 A*’s, Joe Martin; 3 A*’s . Mr Mayhew said: “We are very proud of all our GCS students who have worked hard and deserve their success.”

They can't believe it! - Photo by Andrew Tobin/Tobinators Ltd

They can’t believe it! – Photo by Andrew Tobin/Tobinators Ltd

Students from Guildford High School, an independent girls school in London Road were jumping for joy at an outstanding set of A-level results. 40 per cent grades A*, 97% of grades A*- B, 15 students have achieved three or more A* grade. 19% of the girls going on to UK universities this autumn are taking up places at Oxford or Cambridge.

Headmistress Fiona Boulton said: “Our 2014 leavers have been a wonderful group of girls throughout their time at Guildford High School. They are creative talented and engaged, not only academically but in their sport, music and drama pursuits. These excellent results not only reflect their hard work, but also the exceptional teaching and support of our staff.”

it's good news for these grammar school boys.

it’s good news for these grammar school boys.

129 boys at the independent Royal Grammar School, High Street, Guildford, achieved 100% pass rate at A-level. 80% of the grades were at A or A*, 40% of the grades were at A*, 76 boys secured a minimum of three A grades and 26 boys currently have confirmed offers at Oxford and Cambridge Universities

Dr Jon Cox, the headmaster of Royal Grammar School, said: “The boys emerge from the RGS as modest and grounded, yet also ambitious and confident individuals. An excellent set of A-levels results in robust, traditional subjects have allowed the boys to secure places on the most challenging courses at the leading universities in the country. I am very proud of the achievements of an extremely talented year group.”

School captain Dewi Eburne gained 4 A* grades in Biology, Chemistry Mathematics and Physics at A level and Distinction D1 in Pre-U Chemistry: the very highest award, plus he's a  decent bloke.

School captain Dewi Eburne gained 4 A* grades in biology, chemistry mathematics and physics at A-level and distinction D1 in pre-u chemistry: the very highest award, plus he’s a decent bloke.

He added: “Each year has its own distinct character. This upper sixth form group, led by school captain Dewi Eburne who achieved the remarkable feat of dropping only 10 marks out of a possible 2,400 marks in his four A-level papers, combined an excellent work ethic and good humour while fully immersing themselves in the life of the school.

“The fact that Dewi achieved these exceptional results whilst also achieving grade eight in both the classical and jazz clarinet, being an accomplished actor, a fine sportsman and such a decent individual is testament to the ability and ambition of our boys.”

Record applicant demand is reported this year for Oxford and Cambridge and many Russell group universities. For Oxford places alone 17,480 of the countries’ top students applied for only 3,100 places.  Royal Grammar school achievements are all the more impressive.

In its brief explanation of summer 2014 As and A-level results, Ofqual (The Office of Qualifications and Examinations) a non ministerial government department that regulates qualifications, cite that overall results for AS- and A-level are showing only small changes in proportions achieving each grade. However, subject choices at A-level reflect an ongoing shift towards more traditional subjects.

The Guildford Dragon NEWS will report on results from other Guildford schools as soon as we have their results.

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