Fringe Box



Review: Baby Driver – Guildford Odeon Cinema

Published on: 7 Jul, 2017
Updated on: 7 Jul, 2017

By Dennis Harvey-Hepherd

Sometimes the experience of sitting in a cinema can make you feel really old. Today I was in a near capacity audience and I think if you took the combined age of any three, other than me, I would have been older.

This is because Baby Driver is squarely aimed at the current Grand Theft Auto generation. For these millennials, raised on the criminal as hero, driving to kill, all while isolated in a bubble of noise from their surgically attached ear buds, this film was heaven.

But that isn’t to say I did not like it, far from it.

This is a well-written, directed and acted crime caper in the long tradition of The Italian Job and Bonny & Clyde. The music forms the controlling heartbeat of the action, raising your blood pressure with the craft of Hitchcock.

The choice of music is eclectic and appropriate. I felt very at home with many of the choices and enjoyed the newer pieces so much; I am considering buying the soundtrack.

This film deserves a much broader audience than saw it with me today. For that reason I award it 5 out of five stars. Give it a go.

Currently showing at the Odeon, Guildford.

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