Fringe Box



Review: Hampstead – Guildford Odeon

Published on: 9 Jul, 2017
Updated on: 9 Jul, 2017

By Dennis Harvey-Hepherd

With the talents of Diane Keaton and Brendon Gleeson, this should have been a delightful autumn romcom.

However, the director, Joel Hopkins, gives us a dull and sadly unfunny tale of stock characters in the bubble community of Hampstead. Every plot point is highlighted, every character an eccentric.

When the hero meets the heroine there is almost an announcement proclaiming, “here are our lovers” (I exaggerate to get my point home, but so does the film).

Sorry but this is probably destined for the daytime television movie slot.

On the plus side, Hampstead Heath and its environs are filmed beautifully. There is not one drop of litter, splash of graffiti, unattractive native or ugly building in the whole 102 minutes.

This will delight Middle America by pandering to their image of London.

Just 2 out of five for this disappointment.

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