Fringe Box



Review: King Arthur: Legend of the Sword – Odeon, Guildford

Published on: 18 May, 2017
Updated on: 18 May, 2017

By Dennis Harvey-Hepherd

This King Arthur is not my King Arthur. It mixes themes from multiple genres, cultures and traditions, throws in a ridiculous script, edits the film with a shredder rather than scissors, and directs the whole mix by throwing the parts into the air and picking up at random.

Do you get the impression that I did not like this movie? There has been talk that football legend David Beckham is not a convincing actor. He is not the worse in this production.

Ardent fans of the director Guy Ritchie, or some of the stars, may get something from this film, my good wishes to them.

It could have been worse. It could have been longer.

Thankfully there are plenty of much better films on release currently.

Sadly, just a generous 1 star this time.

This film is showing at the Odeon Cinema, Guildford.

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