Fringe Box



Review: Lady Macbeth – Coming Soon

Published on: 1 May, 2017
Updated on: 1 May, 2017

By Dennis Harvey-Hepherd

First let me explain that this is not Shakespeare but an adaptation of a novel ‘Lady Macbeth of the Mtsensk’ in which the author, Nikolai Leskov, likens his central character to the Scottish Queen.

This is a BBC Films produced period drama set in the 19th century in an unspecified location. Northumberland lends its desolate coastline and countryside to the movie. This creates a feel of isolation, menace and loneliness that is fundamental to the story’s mood.

The actress, Florence Pugh, conveys these emotions vividly while remaining appearing calm and scheming.

A great cast of largely unknown actors surrounds Pugh. They portray very unpleasant men and non-supportive women drawing out our sympathy for the Pugh character.

However this is not a film I fell in love with. Its long periods of silence left me confused at time. I am sure this is a great piece of story telling but not my cup of tea.

Please note, warnings for language, rough sex and violence are attached by the BBFC.

I give this three out of five.

On limited release at some cinemas including Walton on Thames, Kingston upon Thames and Richmond. Coming soon to Guildford.

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