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Royal Surrey Declines to Give Figures for Staff Absences as Pressure Continues Across the NHS

Published on: 5 Jan, 2022
Updated on: 7 Jan, 2022

The Royal Surrey has declined to say how many of their staff are absent during the current period of increased pressure on the NHS nationwide.

The hospital has bucked the trend seen in other Surrey hospitals by reporting a small decline in Covid associated admissions for the latest reported week ending December 26.

See: Guildford Bucks the Trend for Covid Infections and Hospital Admissions

But hospital staff are known to be feeling the pressure of the continuing pandemic and the normal winter peak of non-Covid admissions.

In a “joint media statement” Dr Claire Fuller, senior responsible officer and chief executive
designate for Surrey Heartlands Health and Care Partnership: “Frontline staff across our local system – in hospital, community, GP, mental health, ambulance, NHS111 and social care services – continue to work incredibly hard together to deliver care and services across Surrey remain extremely busy.

“As a system, we are well prepared to manage surges in demand – and with Covid-19 still
circulating, we are working collaboratively to support each other to manage and share our resources so we can prioritise critical services such as specialist cancer and emergency care.

“We know getting fully vaccinated is the best way to protect yourself and your family. We have teams vaccinating thousands of people across Surrey Heartlands every day and would encourage anyone due for their Covid vaccine or booster to get booked in through the National Booking Service – or find their nearest vaccination clinic on our website.

“Anyone who needs urgent medical advice should go online to or call 111 and they will get directed to the right service. In a medical emergency people should always call 999.”

See also: Local Covid-19 Stats

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Responses to Royal Surrey Declines to Give Figures for Staff Absences as Pressure Continues Across the NHS

  1. Anthony Mallard Reply

    January 6, 2022 at 10:15 am

    I read with interest the point that was made regarding the Royal Surrey Hospital declines to give figures for staff absences. However, the spokesperson appears to be Dr Fuller, the Responsible Officer and CEO designate for Surrey Heartlands Health and Care Partnership and not someone from the hospital.

    I also ponder whether, with such a similar organisational title, the Surrey Heartlands Partnership has a connection with the Surrey Heartlands Clinical Commissioning Group which, one recalls, has not, apparently, directly involved patients in the early stages of a potential reorganization of GP services in north Guildford.

    Is it a coincidence or should we read a cultural lack of openness and transparency by the commissioners in the provision of wide-ranging local health care?

  2. Sandria Bridger Reply

    January 6, 2022 at 3:13 pm

    Something to hide obviously.

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