Rubens King works as an armed forces caseworker for young people, helping people find training, work experience, volunteering, and paid work. He also writes giving advice on mental health issues to promote equality, diversity and inclusion. Rubens also swims competitively, here he discusses how swimming can be life-changing.
Swimming is an encompassing term, here are some example of what’s of offer locally.
There is indoor lane swimming in leisure centres such as Guildford Spectrum.
Make a splash at Guildford Lido.
Outdoor lane swimming at Guildford Lido.
Frensham Great Pond.
Triathlon training takes place at Frensham Great Pond, near Farnham.
Alternatively a swim in the sea, that’s all family friendly.
Swimming is also great for starting the day. Good for a routine, social and motivation. To meet friends, to go with family, to get the blood flowing.
I swim to be a faster swimmer and I swim with a squad at a local club which is fantastic because we motivate each other and are guided by a coach.
Despite what challenges life may bring, for me, swimming remains constant.
One nuance of swimming is wild swimming with a backpack or ‘ruckraft’ to allow easier travelling.
Pheobe Smith, pictured, can be followed on linkedin or Twitter at @PhoebeRSmith
This picture of Phoebe Smith, from her Linkedin page and relating to a story about her in The Guardian newspaper looks like it has been taken on the River Wey at Broadford Bridge, Shalford.
A sport like swimming can be part of a routine which can buffer wellbeing. Having a consistent part of a schedule whether a person, event or hobby can help overcome hurdles. Therefore some consistency can be part of overcoming aversity.
Rubens King also has his own blog site, Stay Fruity.
This website is published by The Guildford Dragon NEWS
Contact: Martin Giles
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