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Sea Of Mist Envelopes Guildford On A Mellow Day In December

Published on: 12 Dec, 2013
Updated on: 12 Dec, 2013

Although winter is all-but here, autumn’s season of mists and mellow fruitfulness, as described by poet John Keats, were certainly still evident in Guildford yesterday (December 11).

Guildford Cathedral illuminated by winter sunlight with a band of mist below.

Guildford Cathedral illuminated by fading sunlight with a band of mist below.

Lorimer Burn took these photos from The Mount that show a ‘sea’ of mist below the line of Stag Hill and Guildford Cathedral.

A wide-angle view of the misty condition as viewed from The Mount. Both pictures by Lorimer Burn.

A wide-angle view of the misty condition as viewed from The Mount. Both pictures by Lorimer Burn.

Late afternoon in Guildford High Street with the mist still lurking. Certain landmarks can be seen such as St Nicolas' Church, but the trees on The Mount are hidden.

Late afternoon in Guildford High Street with the mist still lurking. Certain landmarks can be seen such as St Nicolas’ Church, but the trees on The Mount are hidden. Picture: The Guildford Dragon NEWS.

And towards the end of the afternoon in the High Street the band of mist could still be glimpsed as the sun set and the town’s Christmas lights came on.

The weather phenomenon meant that from some viewpoints in the High Street the characteristic line of trees on The Mount was, for once, not visible at all.

Today the Met Office is predicting that fog patches in the South East may persist into the afternoon in some parts, with a few bright spells following. The weather is set to be mild elsewhere. Wind and rain expected in north-western parts will gradually extend east to all but the far south-east.

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Responses to Sea Of Mist Envelopes Guildford On A Mellow Day In December

  1. Shirley and Brian west Reply

    December 13, 2013 at 7:58 pm

    Great photos. They would make super gift or Christmas cards.T he first photo is amazing.

    Shirley West

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