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Shocking Inequalities Across Surrey Revealed In New Research

Published on: 19 Sep, 2013
Updated on: 19 Sep, 2013

A new research source has revealed that in some parts of Surrey more than 30% of children and young people live in poverty and one in four under 15-year-olds is either overweight or obese.

Surrey also has a significantly worse record for the number of hours that five- to 18-year-olds take part in sport compared to the national average.

The source, Surrey Uncovered,  has been created by researcher Sian Sangarde Brown for the Community Foundation for Surrey.

It reveals the significant need in local communities, and using the latest statistics, tells a story about the stark inequalities and social disadvantage throughout the county. By using the local statistics, the real need at these levels is exposed.

Pictured from left: Professor Patrick Dowling, Chairman of the Community Foundation for Surrey, Jim Glover, Incoming Chair of Council, University of Surrey Sian Sangarde-Brown, Author of Surrey Uncovered Professor Jim Al-Khalili, Professor of Physics, Professor of Public Engagement in Science and BBC science presenter Wendy Varcoe, Executive Director of the Community Foundation for Surrey

Pictured from left: Professor Patrick Dowling, chairman of the Community Foundation for Surrey; Jim Glover, incoming chairman of council, University of Surrey;  Sian Sangarde-Brown, author of Surrey Uncovered; Professor Jim Al-Khalili; Wendy Varcoe, executive director of the Community Foundation for Surrey.

The research was launched at the University of Surrey last week at the inaugural Philanthropy Lecture, which coincided with the Community Foundation for Surrey’s eight birthday.

Other areas of concern in Surrey Uncovered include:

  • A dozen wards have a higher rate of mental health issues among children and young people than the national average.
  • One in three children receiving free school meals leaves primary school with substandard maths and English – twice as many as those children not receiving free school meals.
  • Approximately one child in 20 is disabled and the income of families with disabled children is more than 23% below the UK average income.
  • Since 2001, there has been a 22% increase in lone parents, above the 17% rise nationally.
  • Domestic abuse is higher than expected and cuts across all areas of society.
  • In one area of Surrey nearly 10% of homes have no central heating.
  • The number of people over 65 is expected to rise by nearly a third in the next 20 years, and there are increasing numbers of people suffering from dementia, increasing problems of fuel poverty and greater isolation and loneliness amongst older people.

The chairman of the Community Foundation for Surrey, Professor Patrick Dowling, said: “Surrey Uncovered provides a powerful case for increasing local philanthropy to help support local community and voluntary groups to tackle issues raised in the report.

“For those who want to support their local communities there is no better time to do so; through our Community First programme we are able to match all donations on a 2:1 basis making this a very effective way to give.”

Visit to download a copy of Surrey Uncovered.

For more information about the Community First programme  visit  or call 01483 409230.

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